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Results for week 25

RRG 6 7 2 5
KAT 7 3 8 0
BUF 4 3 2 7
MAD 5 7 1 4
SFL 7 2 2 7
NJR 6 1 8 6
OXY 2 6 0 6
PHI 8 7 3 1
NJR 3 12 2 5
RRG 5 2 7 1
SLG 2 12 2 12
SDQ 5 0 5 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

The Internet Baseball League (IBL) is a continuous-ownership, play-by-email league which uses its own board game known as "The IBL Game" (or TIG). The IBL began with a USENET post on rec.sport.baseball in 1991. The league now consists of 24 teams playing 162 game schedules.

Each IBL owner is responsible for playing 81 home games during a 25-week season, generally beginning in April and finishing sometime in October. Additionally, managers prepare a Manager's Instruction Sheet (MIS) each week for road games. Owners frequently play head-to-head online via our IRC server, eliminating the need for instructions. Game results and stats are reported via E-mail.

The IBL is always interested in having new people join as Associates. Associates participate by playing games for owners who have scheduling difficulties, or act as caretakers when an owner must step away for an extended period of time. Associates are generally the first in line to be selected for team ownership when a vacancy exists.